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I have been aware and admired of your knowledge, skills and work for many years […]. So I find your Blog very useful, especially the how-to articles. I own all your books (using Amazon Kindle and Packt) and they have been a useful resource.
From a happy reader….
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Smart Radio Buttons and Check Boxes in Visio
A recent project requires an interactive tutorial within Microsoft Visio desktop where a lot of the questions need a single answer using radio buttons, or multiple-choice answers using check boxes. I thought that this would be a great use of the list containers capability because…
Using Button Face Ids in Visio
Microsoft Visio desktop has the ability to display icons from a built-in list of Office icons on Actions and Action Tags (nee Smart Tags). These can be set in the ShapeSheet by using the desired number from several thousand in the ButtonFace cell. Although there…
Grid Snapping Revisited
I have previously tackled the subject of snapping to grids in Visio desktop (see ) but a recent project required me to improve the example because it did not respond to all cursor arrow keys. The problem was that the previous solution could not…
Optimize Visio Flowcharts: Swimlane Reordering Tips
Microsoft Visio desktop Plan 2 and Professional editions provides the ability to create and synchronize cross-functional flowcharts between the diagram and an Excel table. This is great, and widely used for many types of processes. The Excel table normally has a Function / Swimlane column…
The importance of #layers in Visio for Power BI
Judging by the number of downloads of my free Visio and Power BI GuIde, there is an increasing recognition of this great feature. I recently started to prepare an example for someone, but found that their sample Visio document has just over the 1,000 shape…
How to migrate from Lucidchart to Visio
I am pleased to announce that I will be presenting a webinar on Thursday 10th October 2024 where I will be demonstrating how to convert many types of diagrams from Lucidchart to Visio, and keep their smartness. Over the 30 years that I have been…
Setting Default Measurement Units in Visio Pages
Microsoft Visio can handle many different units of measurements which can be set for a page and separately for shapes, such as dimensions, within the page. This can confuse some users who expect them both to be the same all the time. In fact, the…
Refreshing the cached installed files of Visio
I have created many Visio solutions over the past 25 years and used a number of methods of creating an installation that includes Visio templates and stencils. I have just wasted many hours trying to debug an installation created with Advanced Installer until I realised…
Linking Data to Shapes in Visio after using Data Visualizer
Data Visualizer (DV) in Visio Plan 2 (Data | Create from Data | Create ) is great because it provides a way of automatically creating a diagram from data, but it also prevents some of the other data-linking features in Visio from being used. This…
Synchronizing Visio Shape Fill Color (or almost any cell) across pages
I was recently asked how the color of one shape can be changed and for other shapes to be automatically updated to the same color … even if they are on different pages! Well, it is possible with Microsoft Visio’s awesome ShapeSheet formulas. In fact,…
Positioning Visio Shape Text Block with a Control Handle
I was recently asked how a control handle can be added to a Visio shape so that it can be used to re-position the text block. Fortunately, it is extremely easy to setup, and requires just two formulas to be updated in the ShapeSheet. This…
New Requirement for VBA Digital Signatures in Visio
Like most developers, I have to buy a new digital certificate every 3 years to sign my Visio add-ins and VBA projects. Usually that means verifying my bone fides, paying the fee and downloading the certificate, but security has been increased, and now, like everyone…
Understanding Segments of Visio Geometry
I recently had to revise my understanding of the POINTALONGPATH(…) function in Visio because I was getting a #REF! error in some cases. My particular scenario requires a line with a number of vertices that are initially all in a straight line but can be…
Custom Color Themes in Visio?
I was recently looking into custom color themes for corporate branding in desktop Microsoft Visio and became re-aware how different Visio still is from the rest of the Microsoft Office applications. A Visio page or document does not need to have any theme applied, but…
When is a Visio Callout not a Callout?
I have been a Visio user/developer since the mid-1990’s and seen the word “callout” used as part of the name of many master shapes in Visio. The images below show five ways that the term “callout” has been applied to the name of Visio master…
Using Visio Color by Value on Connectors
Data Graphics in Visio Plan 2 and Visio Professional is great, but it only enables us to use them with 2D shapes in Visio, i.e. not on connectors. So, what if you want to change the line colour of the connectors between the 2D shapes…
Moving Phases/Separators in Visio Cross-Functional Flowcharts?
I use Visio Cross-Functional Flowcharts a lot, but there is one thing that really bugs me … you can move function bands\swimlanes around, but you can’t move the phases\separators in the same way. The phases/separators are containers just like the function bands\swimlanes, so why can’t…
Using Notepad++ to Edit Visio ShapeSheet formulas
Visio shapes get their smartness from the formulas that are entered into the ShapeSheet, but editing these formulas can be extremely tricky and prone to error because of the lack of a modern programmer’s interface. Formulas can be quite long (up to 64k characters) but…
Adding a second Function header bar to Visio swimlanes
I was recently asked if a second function header bar can be added to the swimlanes in the cross-functional flowchart templates in Visio. Some swimlanes can get quite wide, so it can be useful to have a duplicate function header shape on the far-side too.…
More Parsing XML Data in Visio Shapes
My last article looked at parsing an XML string with a known structure and order of elements and attributes. This can be acceptable in some scenarios, but what if the elements or attributes are in a different order? Then it is necessary to use the…
Parsing XML data in Visio Shapes
One of my current projects uses XML data, and some of the values in the XML data control the display and content of Visio shapes. Therefore, I looked deeper into how the XML data can be used directly to control parts of the graphics. Although…
Highlighting dirty text in Visio shapes
I suppose I should explain what I mean by dirty text first 🙂 I often display the value of a Shape Data row in Visio text, but sometimes the solution requires that the value is also editable. This is ok if the client accepts that…
Navigate to named areas in Visio with SS Plus
Many years ago, when I was an architect, I used a Unix CAD system with large buildings. I was able to navigate quickly to rectangular areas that I had named. Well, the Export to PowerPoint feature in Visio Plan 2 provides Slide Snippets, which are…
Counting glued and connected shapes in Visio
I got a surprise in one of my projects when I counted the shapes glued together using the Shape.GluedShapes(…) method … the sum of the filtered glued shapes just didn’t add up to the unfiltered count. So, I thought I should check the Shape.ConnectedShapes(…) method…
My new book on Visualizing Processes with Microsoft Visio has launched
Back in the early 1990s, there was an application called ABC Flowcharter that was the market leader for diagramming business flowcharts, but some of the brains behind Aldus PageMaker saw an opportunity to create something smarter, and left to write the Visio product, with the…
Layer Set menu options and calls from code added to LayerManager
LayerManager for Microsoft Visio layer sets can now be called from external code and are also available from a sub-menu of the Layer Buttons drop-down ribbon button. The Layer Manager window does not need to be open to use the sub-menu because it detects the…
Interactive Demographics of the European Union in Visio
I was recently contacted by a reader, Stanley M. Max (Towson University lecturer), who had started creating a Visio map of the 27 countries in the European Union in 2020, along with the demographics culled from Wikipedia. He wanted to know if the map and…
Understanding Visio Data Graphic’s Color by Value
The desktop Visio editions, Visio Professional and Visio Plan 2, have a great way of automatically displaying data as Data Bars, Icon Sets, Text Callouts and Color by Value. The first three types of Data Graphics require sub-shapes to be inserted into each shape that…
Update to LayerManager add-in for non-English users
A French user of LayerManager recently reported that the Refresh Counts button was not working for him, and a few other users were recently finding that the trial period was reporting expired immediately after download. Both of these issues have hopefully been addressed in the…
Pushing Data Visualizer in Visio beyond its limits
My last post was about some of the lessons learnt when trying to push Data Visualizer to its limits, but this one has some ways of overcoming these limitations. The main lesson learnt is that DV binds the shapes within the DV container shape, CFF…
Pushing Data Visualizer in Visio to the limits!
Regular readers of my blog will know that I like to use the Data Visualizer (DV) in Visio Plan 2, but I recently tried to help a user who really decided to push it to the limits. In this scenario, there were multiple connections, but…
Teams Tuesday Podcast Recording about Visio
I am delighted to share the link to my recent demonstration and conversation with fellow MVP Peter Ward about Visio in Teams. We discussed more than just Visio … and I look a bit like Max Headroom! (more…)
Linking Data to Visio Shapes in Code
One of the most useful capabilities of Visio Professional and Visio Plan 2 is to link external data to shapes and have them refreshed by changes in the data source. So, many of my solutions involve writing code to make these links, and they are…
Editing Visio Layer Colours with LayerManager
Desktop Visio has a tremendous ability to assign shapes to none, one or more layers, and the efficient use of them can make a drawing so powerful by toggling layers visibility or locking certain layers whilst working on other layers. The same drawing can be…
Setting Theme defaults in Visio
I was recently asked how to change the default font size and line weight in Visio, and then saw then many others are asking the same sort of question. I found one reasonable answer suggesting that you should create a new document from your required…
Visio Shape Report Converter Excel add-in available
I am delighted to announce that I have just had my first Excel add-in accepted in the Office Add-ins Store! It is called Shape Report Converter because all it does is convert a Shape Report converted from Visio for Desktop to a modern Excel table…
Binding Visio and Excel with Data Visualizer
I re-vamped some of my content about the Visio Data Visualizer add-in for Excel in my last post, so I thought I should expand a bit more on the Data Visualizer feature in Visio for Desktop (Visio Plan 2) and Excel for Desktop. I have…
Editing Visio Data Visualizer in Excel
I have previously described how to use the Visio Data Visualizer add-in in Excel, but I didn’t make it clear how you can edit the diagram created if you have a Visio license. So, I have recorded three short videos to briefly explain this. (more…)
A Visio List Shape is also a Container
Structured diagrams have been around in Microsoft Visio since 2010 and I have always known that list shapes are a specialized container shape, however it still came as a surprise to me recently that a list shape can simultaneously act as a container shape! There…
Taking Visio Actions Rows to the limit
I recently (re-)discovered that there is a limit to the number of Actions section rows that will be evaluated for display on the right mouse menu of a Visio shape. I have not hit a limit (yet) for the number of rows that can be…
TimeTable at RMConnect 2022
I was privileged to be invited to the biennial Robins & Morton conference in Orlando recently, where I assisted in presenting TimeTable to the hundreds of attendees there. A single wall-hanger (OPS) TimeTable Visio diagram automatically drawn from #OraclePrimaveraCloud data, is a condensed version of…
Custom Shapes in Visio in M365 and Web
Microsoft recently announced the ability to access the shapes in the document stencil whilst using Visio for Web … if you have a Visio Plan 2 license. So, I thought I would make it clear what that means for custom shape developers. There are now…
A Multi-Time Zone Clock for Visio
I wrote a post about making a clock face in Visio fifteen years ago, but a reader recently asked about displaying multiple time zones. Well, I have previously written about time zones in Visio, so I accepted the challenge to improve upon my earlier work.…
Update any Visio ShapeSheet cell with External Data
When Microsoft introduced a new way of linking external data to Visio shapes in 2007, I initially bemoaned the inability to update anything but Shape Data row values, unlike the old database add-on that I had been using for 10 years. The new method, though,…
Making Custom Shapes for Visio for M365
I recently revised my chess and checkerboard Visio documents to work in Visio for the Web (Visio Plan 1), but now that Microsoft are providing a version of Visio free to M365 business users, I need to make some further adjustment to get them to…
Referencing Container Data in Visio
Microsoft Visio has a useful Structured Diagramming concept that consists of Containers, Callouts and Connectors. The first of these features make it possible for shapes to know what they are contained within, as a better option to grouping shapes together. Grouping can hide or break…
Understanding Morse Clicks with Visio
A few years ago, I wrote an article about messaging and encryption inspired by a visit to the National Museum of Computing in the UK. I developed a Morse Click shape to demonstrate how Visio can be used to represent and learn Morse Code. However,…
SS Plus for Visio enhanced to support non-English PowerPoint Smart Layouts
A while ago, I wrote an add-in for Visio Plan 2, SS Plus, that enhances the PowerPoint export from Visio. This has been working fine for this using Microsoft Office in English, but a problem was recently brough to my attention about non-English users. The…
Visio Presentations for the Microsoft Ignite The Tour 2020
Just when we thought the pandemic was coming to an end, another variant appears to scupper our plans. So, resuming in-person events is delayed, and the world isn’t safe until the world is immunised. Therefore, I decided to make the presentations that I was going…
Correcting the Text Control Handle on Visio Network Shapes
There are literally thousands of master shapes in the stencils supplied with Microsoft Visio, so I guess that mistakes can creep in. One error that I have noticed is the inability of the default text control handle of many of the network shapes to actually…
Using a formula for Shape Data labels prevents multiple updates
I have only been developing Visio solutions for 25 years, but I got a surprise this week when I was trying to understand why I couldn’t update the value of a Shape Data row of multiple selected shapes. It is something that I often do,…
Have multiple alternate languages in the same Visio diagram
I wrote a Visio add-in a few years ago that provides the ability to switch a multi-page Visio diagram between alternative languages. This particular client had just under a hundred pages of process flowcharts, with hyperlinks between the pages. They had to produce this Visio…
Spotting Custom UI Errors in Visio Add-ins
I have written many COM and VSTO add-ins for Visio, but got confused when a client recently reported that the following Custom UI Runtime Error was appearing. I wasn’t getting the same error on any of my test laptops, so I chatted with my good…
Automatically displaying Visio shape text in other shapes
There are times, in Visio, when you just need to ensure that the text in a primary shape is synchronised with the text in different secondary shapes … even if they are on different pages of a Visio document. My previous article, Forcing Display Update…
Forcing Display Update of Inherited Data Values
I was going to title this “When is a truth not a truth?” because I have found that Visio can sometimes refuse to apparently update the displayed value in a cell, even though it has been changed. However, this was, in this instance, down to…
Using Custom Fill Patterns from a List
A reader asked how to fill a shape with a custom fill pattern from a fixed list in of a shape. They had no trouble with the first 25 standard fill patterns, but couldn’t figure out how to apply a custom pattern. So, I shall…
Visio in Microsoft 365? What’s that?
Now that a version of Visio is being rolled out as part of the commercial subscription of Microsoft 365, what is the difference between it and the Visio Web App that is delivered by Visio Plan 1 and Visio Plan 2 subscriptions? Moreover, can a…
Fixing the sub-shape layer assignments of Visio shapes
I was preparing a new update of my Layer Manager tool, and was constantly coming across a lack of quality control in the sub-shape layer assignment in a number of the master shapes in Microsoft provided stencils. I have mentioned this to Microsoft as a…
Developer Mode for advanced Layer Manager actions
I have had more than one person ask me how to see the full Layer Manager panel, so I must have not made it clear enough in the help file. Visio has a Developer Mode that is simple to switch on, and provides some extra…
Keeping Visio Data Graphic Items Level
My good friend Scott Helmers, Visio author and trainer, of Harvard Computing Group , recently asked for some help in keeping data graphic items level when their target shape is rotated. Fortunately, I was able to assist, so I thought I would explain how this…
What is the value of my MVP Award for 2021-22?
It may be something that has been repeated annually for 17 years, but I still feel so proud when the Microsoft MVP Award kit arrives at my door. We have seen changes to the scheme over the years, and my son tells me there are…
Visio ShapeSheet Functions T – Z
The seventh, and final, 25 of the Visio ShapeSheet functions that start with the letters T – Z are visually described in the Visio document below that is available for download. Please see the general introduction to this series at ShapeSheet Functions A-Z for more…
Update of Free Rules Tools for Visio Validation
Microsoft introduced Validation Rules in Visio 2010 Premium, and I was excited enough to write a book about it. Microsoft merged the Premium into the Professional edition in 2013, so I updated my book. I wrote an interface into the Visio Validation API as a…
Automatic Line and Segment Lengths in Visio
Many years ago, I wrote some VBA code to calculate the length of a multi-segment line in Visio, see Automating Area and Perimeter Length Shape Data , but Microsoft have since provided a handy ShapeSheet function, PATHLENGTH(…), to do the same without any VBA. The…
Visio ShapeSheet Functions S
The sixth 19 of the Visio ShapeSheet functions that start with the letter S are visually described in the Visio document below that is available for download. Please see the general introduction to this series at ShapeSheet Functions A-Z for more information. (more…)
Duplicating Visio Data Graphics
I was recently asked about switching between different Visio Data Graphics within a page, so I thought I should record a few short videos to explain how Visio Data Graphics work, how they can be edited and duplicated, and how to automate switching between them.…
Adding Macro Ribbon Buttons to Visio Documents from a Stencil
I wrote a post a few years ago entitled How to Run VBA Macros from a Ribbon Button in Visio 2010, and was recently asked how to add the custom buttons to an existing tab. Well, it got me thinking that I don’t really like…
Save Time by Using Microsoft Visio ShapeSheets and other webinars
You need new ways to save your organization and yourself time. Did you know that much like an Excel user creates formulas within worksheets to make jobs go faster, Microsoft Visio has built-in efficiencies? For example, Visio has a structure similar to worksheets, where shapes…
Testing Regional Settings in Visio
There are times that I have been caught out by assuming that everyone speaks “proper” English, like what I do (sic), and forgetting that there are other languages with their own formatting conventions. I think most of the world is bemused at the USA date…
Visio ShapeSheet Functions O-R
The fifth 33 of the Visio ShapeSheet functions that start with the letters O through to R are visually described in the Visio document below that is available for download. Please see the general introduction to this series at ShapeSheet Functions A-Z for more information.…
Visio ShapeSheet Functions L-N
The fourth 34 of the Visio ShapeSheet functions that start with the letters L through to N are visually described in the Visio document below that is available for download. Please see the general introduction to this series at ShapeSheet Functions A-Z for more information.…
Visio 2010 MVP Session videos reprise
Back in 2012, my fellow Visio MVPs, Scott Helmers and Chris Roth, and I recorded a series of 24 videos about Visio 2010. They were first hosted on Microsoft’s web site, then they put them up on YouTube, they they got deleted :-(. Well, we…
Visio ShapeSheet Functions G-K
The third 26 of the Visio ShapeSheet functions that start with the letters G through to K are visually described in the Visio document below that is available for download. Please see the general introduction to this series at ShapeSheet Functions A-Z for more information.…
Two Quote or Not Two Quote …
… that is the question! I have known for some time that it is safer to copy and paste code from the web into Notepad or similar, before copying and pasting that into my own code. It is not only new line characters that can…
Visio in Organizations
My good friend and fellow Visio MVP, Šenaj Lelić, and I recently recorded a long webcast where we flew through some of the great capabilities of Visio through a Teams meeting. Microsoft Visio: Find out more about how you can work visually from anywhere, at…
Viewing Visio Document Changes in Git
Developing a Visio solution usually involves both .Net code and Visio ShapeSheet formulas. Good practice dictates that the source code is saved into a code repository, such as Git, where changes can be committed and commented. Visual Studio 2019 now includes native Git support, and…
Visio ShapeSheet Functions D-F
The second 32 of the Visio ShapeSheet functions that start with the letters D through to F are visually described in the Visio document below that is available for download. Please see the general introduction to this series at ShapeSheet Functions A-Z for more information.…
Visio ShapeSheet Functions A-C
The first 36 of the Visio ShapeSheet functions that start with the letters A through to C are visually described in the Visio document below that is available for download. Please see the general introduction to this series at ShapeSheet Functions A-Z for more information.…
Using the CALLTHIS function in Visio
Visio was the first non-Microsoft application to include VBA within it back in the mid-nineties. All of the desktop Microsoft Office applications currently include VBA, although Microsoft have been rumoured to want to replace it for many years, and now there is an alternative scripting…
Referencing Visio Shapes
Every Visio shape must have a unique name in the collection that it belongs to, and to ensure this, Visio automatically one using the master name or just “Sheet”, if not an instance of a master, followed by a period (“.”) and the ID. However,…
Play Backgammon with Visio
Still in lockdown on holiday, so I thought I would create a version of backgammon that can be played with Visio for the web. This was inspired by my original Visio tutor, the late David Edson, who created a Visio backgammon document which included macros.…
Play Chess with Visio in Teams
[Update : a new version of this file allows Visio for M365 users to edit/play with see Making Custom Shapes for Visio for M365] Following on from my last article about playing checkers with Visio in Teams, I decided that I should also revisit my…
Play Checkers with Visio in Teams
[Update : a new version of this file allows Visio for M365 users to edit/play with see Making Custom Shapes for Visio for M365] We are all spending more time in Teams or SharePoint nowadays, but not everyone knows that Visio documents can now be…
Creating PowerPoint Presentations automatically from Visio
Visio Plan 2 has a great, but flawed, feature called Slide Snippets, that can create PowerPoint presentations automatically from any number of titled rectangles, on any number of pages in a Visio document. However, it usually creates distorted images, and it does not automatically contain…
Bi-directional Labels on Off-Page Grid References
I have previously written about using off-page references and labelled page grids in Visio, see A Page Grid with Labels and Page Grids and Off Page References, however a reader pointed out that the label on the Off-Page Reference shape is duplicated on both ends.…
Visio Data Visualizer Tips
The Microsoft Visio product team have released a great video introduction to the Visio Data Visualizer, but even that does not reveal all of its power. So, here are some tips about using the Microsoft Visio Data Visualizer add-in in Excel. Firstly, the add-in currently…
Visio is NOT Vizio!
Update 1 : Microsoft read this post and immediately corrected the spelling so the following now works : 🙂 Update 2 : Mr VisGuy! “spelt” is the same as “spelled” outside USA! Aarghh! What kind of message is sent out if a company does…
Visio now and beyond at Microsoft Ignite 2020
I have presented at the last four Microsoft Ignite conferences and was part way through the world-wide tour when this pandemic began. I was looking forward to visiting New Orleans for this years shindig, but, alas, we are now in a new world where in-person…
Advanced Installer now Supports Visio VSTO Add-Ins
Advanced Installer now supports creating VSTO Visio Add-Ins installation projects using the Office Add-Ins wizard! This is great news for those of us who are still having to create VSTO Add-Ins, especially since Visual Studio does not include Setup & Deployment projects (again). (more…)
Maximum Size of a Visio Page and Text block
I needed to check the maximum size of Visio pages for a current project of mine, so I devised a simple test with a diamond shape with its vertices pinned automatically to the edge of the Visio page, with text fields inserted in the center.…
Using an Updateable Default Font in Visio
I am working on a Visio project where the client wants to be able to configure the font used in each document. These documents have many custom masters, but the user can add there own annotations too. Therefore, I needed to find a way to…
Manual Fix for Slide Snippets in Visio Plan 2
Microsoft Visio Plan 2 has a cool feature, Slide Snippets, that can create a PowerPoint slide show from special rectangle shapes placed around the pages of a Visio document. Unfortunately, there is currently an issue with distortion of the images in PowerPoint, so I will…
Getting the Microsoft Office Theme Value
I am working on a Visio VSTO project where I need to synchronise a UI element with the current session Microsoft Office Theme. At first, I thought that there would be some way of getting a value from the Visio object model, but I was…
Learn about Visio Data Visualizer in Excel, Visio in Teams and Power Automate
I recently wrote a series of articles about some of the new capabilities of the Visio desktop and web app. Using the Visio Data Visualizer in Excel Using Visio in Teams Creating Visio Tabs and Apps for Teams with SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Designing Power Automate…
Learn how to create custom Visio web app templates
I have now finished three articles about the differences between the Visio desktop and web apps, and how you can already create custom templates for Visio Plan 1. Comparing Visio for the Web and Desktop Customising Visio shapes for the web app Key differences between…
Assigning Visio Shapes to Layers from Excel Table
I work a lot with layers in Visio, and written an add-in, LayerManager, to assist, but I was asked an interesting question recently: How can shapes by assigned to layers automatically from a list in Excel? So, I thought I would present my solution. This…
Viewing the Visio Custom Line & Fill Patterns
I was trying to review the appearance of the custom line and fill patterns in Visio, but was annoyed that they are only displaying a name without a preview image. I could not find them easily on the web either, so I thought I would…
Using Emojis in Visio
In the new normal of social distancing, we can easily miss the nuances of facial expressions with the the various electronic communication platforms that we utilise. In our personal communications via mobile apps, we have all started to use Emojis to express sentiment and actions,…
Microsoft Visio Partner hub
My company became a Visio business partner in 1998, so that was a couple of years before Microsoft acquired Visio for what was their largest purchase at the time. Microsoft wound down the annual Visio worldwide conferences that used to happen, and Visio partners became…
Using some Visio Shape Data in Visio for the Web
Like a lot of UK TV viewers last week, I watched Quiz, a drama about Major Charles Ingram who apparently cheated his way to the jackpot in Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Some of the questions that he was asked were quoted in that…