“We have Visio files containing up to a 100 process models (= pages). And quite often we are requested to create images from these pages. Well, with Visio 2010 it just takes ages to create a 100 images……Needless to say the Image add-in you developed for us comes a gift from heaven. In just a few seconds my entire project – or a selection of pages – is exported to a predefined folder. All images are automatically named, using the page-name option… As mentioned with the Multi Language add-in, your add-in saves me a lot of time and keeps my stress level down.”
Mireille Roose-Notebaart ~ Business Process & Quality Consultant, Edan Business Solutions

Add extra multiple image export capabilities to all editions of desktop Visio 2010+
Request a download for DocumentImager from here
Visio Document Imager is free for 10 days from installation. If you should like the product, then we invite you to pay just $79 US / activation key (one required per user). This will ensure that the product is developed further, and encourage us to provide more tools for you.
Microsoft Visio is a most useful and versatile diagramming application that has the ability to export a page or a selection of shapes to a variety of different image file formats, both raster and vector. However, it is not possible to export a selection of pages, automatically named, in one click.
This can be a problem if you have a diagram that needs to be periodically exported because you will need to remember the settings and the namng system used. This will soon lead to errors or inconsistencies and the process will beome to much bother to keep doing.
bVisual have now developed an add-in for Microsoft Visio 2010+ that enables you to export a selection of pages, automatically named consistently into a folder of your choice.
This greatly increases your ability to work with these types of diagrams, and increases your productivity in addition to making the diagrams even more useful and understandable.

There are five different raster image formats and seven different vector mage formats supported. You can preset the advanced export options for raster images.
Raster formats
- Windows Bitmap (.bmp)
- Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
- JPEG File Integrchange Format (.jpg)
- Portable Network Graphics (.png)
- Tag Image File Format (*.tif)
Vector formats
- AutoCAD Drawing (.dwg)
- AutoCAD Drawing Interchange (.dxf)
- Enhanced Metafile (.emf)
- Compressed Enhanced Metafile (.emz)
- Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)
- Scalable Vector Graphics – Compressed (.svgz)
- Windows Metafile Format (*.wmf)
Key Benefits
- Simple export of selected Visio documents to 12 different image formats
- Simple export of selected pages of active document to 12 different image formats
- Automatically named image files to one of five naming conventions
- Ability to preset the advanced image settings for raster exports
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