One of my most viewed articles is about the data import and export features in Visio 2010 (see ), so I thought that I should do something similar for Visio 2016. In fact, there is very little change since Visio 2013 …. The download file contains VBA code that I used to connect the shapes together from the data recordsets.

Click here to view the pdf :!311121&authkey=!ADvirzitxZ2L8Xs&ithint=file%2cpdf
Click here to open the Visio file (contains macros) :!308856&authkey=!AN4tW5sNpxSQFCM&ithint=file%2cvsdm
Click here to open the Excel workbook :!306454&authkey=!AHms1XGHhXvXdwY&ithint=file%2cxlsx
The content will also form part of the new book that I am writing about mastering data with Visio….
Hi David
If I understand correctly, the difference/improvement you have with the Visio 2010 example is that now you have the automatic connection between shapes (with the VBA code) ? Does it mean that you have to manually connect the shapes with Visio 2010 ?
My Visio 2010 diagram lacks the complete VBA because somehow parts got lost … I re-did the VBA for the Visio 2016 diagram