Busy times! When I was over at the MVP Conference a few weeks ago, I, and a few other MVPs, were interviewed about our experiences with out specialist application. Well, mine has been published now, and can be viewed at http://blogs.office.com/b/office_blog/archive/2010/04/08/visio-rack-diagrams-smarter-than-your-average-drawing.aspx

Since then, I’m pleased to report that I have been re-awarded with my MVP status. It means a lot to me, and I am happy to help Microsoft with their launch of Office 2010. In fact, today, I am at TechDays for IT Pros, and am about to present my 30 minutes on the new Visio. If anyone ones to see my slide-deck, then they can download it at https://cid-3350d61bc93733a9.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/TechDays/TechDays2010^_UK^_16-9^_IT^_Pro^_DJParker.zip . I’ll post a link to the recording when it’s ready.
Oh, and another thing …. I’ve nearly finished writing a book about Visio 2010 Business Process Diagrams for Packt Publishing. More on that shortly.
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