Last year, I blogged about using the master shapes used in Data Graphics in Visio 2013 Professional for displaying data directly, rather than embedded in other shapes as graphic items. Now that Visio Professional 2016 is released, and because there have been some improvements to the graphics, especially for Text Callouts, I have created stencils from the new masters, with some slight changes as outlined in my earlier articles. As before, the stencils can be downloaded into the My Shapes folder, from where they will be available for use at any time. These stencils are freely available to anyone with a Visio Professional 2016 license.
Text Callouts

Download the stencil from Visio 2016 Text Callouts.vssx
Icon Sets

Download the stencil from Visio 2016 Icon Sets.vssx
Data Bars

Download the stencil from Visio 2016 Data Bars.vssx
See and for the Visio 2013 stencils.
Hi there
Is there a detailed process for creating custom icon sets, I published a visio stencil set some years ago where I created the icons in illustrator and used a tool (no longer available) that set the anchor points, size and metadata into an icon set.
I want to update this icon set but am now lost as the third party tool no longer exists and its unclear to me how to create and save a fully functional icon set that I can publish online.
Have you checked out:
I cannot get the download links to work, like this one:
if there is another way to download these very good-looking data graphics great thank you!
Microsoft changed the personal OneDrive links, so I have updated the links in that article for you 🙂
Thank you David!
Sorry to ask again – but the One Drive links seem to be empty, is there another link ?
This blog in invaluable – many thanks for all your efforts !!
Thanks for pointing out a problem with the links. It is an issue with Visio stencils stored on personal OneDrive. I have copied the files to OneDrive for Business and update the links.