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The UK-based independent Visio consultancy with a worldwide reach
We have over 25 years experience of providing data visualization solutions to companies around the globe.
bVisual has been committed to Visio-based development since 1996, and became one of the first European Business Partners to Visio Corporation. After the Microsoft acquisition of Visio in 1999, bVisual transitioned to becoming a Microsoft Partner.
We can provide advice and development of Visio-based solutions for the desktop or for the web, either face-to-face or via the web.
We can transfer our specialist knowledge about Visio best practices or development to your team, in person or remotely.
We can create efficient custom Viso templates and libraries of shapes of your products for effective sales, planning or BAU documentation.
Visio Expertise
Be smart, be clear, be visual.
Training, consultancy, resources, templates and more for Microsoft Visio
From Microsoft MVP David Parker
Latest blog articles
The latest insights about Visio from Microsoft MVP, David Parker
Smart Radio Buttons and Check Boxes in Visio
A recent project requires an interactive tutorial within Microsoft Visio desktop where a lot of the questions need a single answer using radio buttons, or…
Using Button Face Ids in Visio
Microsoft Visio desktop has the ability to display icons from a built-in list of Office icons on Actions and Action Tags (nee Smart Tags). These…
Grid Snapping Revisited
I have previously tackled the subject of snapping to grids in Visio desktop (see https://bvisual.net/2018/06/19/really-snapping-to-grids-in-visio/ ) but a recent project required me to improve the…