I walked though the steps to create a Cross-Functional flowchart automatically from an Excel table in my last article ( Data Visualizer for #Visio Pro for Office 365 – Part 1 ), but I often prefer to use a relational data source, such as Access or SQL Server, to store and organise my data. Therefore, I describe how Excel‘s Get Data (nee PowerQuery) can be used to merge together the data in a relational data source as a single table suitable for Data Visualizer in Visio Pro for Office 365.
[Read more…] about Data Visualizer for Visio Pro for Office 365 – Part 2Access
Opening an MS Access form from a Visio shape
This article describes how to open a Microsoft Access form at a specific record from a Visio shape. I was an Access developer before I was a Visio developer, and both of the applications have VBA to provide tactical solutions for everyday tasks. Fortunately, it is fairly simple to copy the VBA code from one application to another…
Firstly, I am assuming that both of the desktop applications are open, and although Visio shapes can be linked to Access queries and tables, it is not essential for this solution.
Data Import and Export Features in Visio 2016 (and 2013)
One of my most viewed articles is about the data import and export features in Visio 2010 (see http://blog.bvisual.net/2011/05/24/data-import-export-features-in-visio-2010/ ), so I thought that I should do something similar for Visio 2016. In fact, there is very little change since Visio 2013 …. The download file contains VBA code that I used to connect the shapes together from the data recordsets.

Linking an Access Web Database to Visio
There is a great video on Channel 9 about Access Web Apps, and how to link to them on the desktop ( see https://channel9.msdn.com/events/MVP-Virtual-Conference/MVP-Virtual-Conference-Americas-2015/CONS2-Using-Access-and-SharePoint-for-Travel-Expenses-and-Pulling-up-Maps). However, they never mentioned linking to Visio, so I thought I would correct that omission. I had previously tried to use Link Data to Shapes with an Access Web database, but failed, however watching this video encouraged me to try again!