I have had more than one person ask me how to see the full Layer Manager panel, so I must have not made it clear enough in the help file. Visio has a Developer Mode that is simple to switch on, and provides some extra functionality, including a Developer tab in the ribbon. Layer Manager allows you to setup buttons, both as shapes or within the Layer Sets tab, that quickly changes the settings of multiple layers in the page with a single click. I see the setting up of these Layer Set buttons as a more advanced developer task, but the use of them to subsequently quickly change the view as a non-developer task. It seems that not every Visio-user has discovered the Developer Mode, so some trial users of Layer Manager do not see the full potential.
To avoid this I have added a Developer Mode check box menu item on the Layer Manager drop-down menu that can toggle this setting.

This will simultaneously show/hide the other Developer Mode UI elements, such as the Developer tab.
My apologies for not being clearer, but you need to switch on Developer Mode to get the advanced functionality of Layer Manger.
This can be done by either ticking Run in Developer Mode in File / Options / Advanced or by ticking the Developer tab in Customise the Ribbon.
The latest version of Layer Manager is free to trial and as an update for existing users.
The importance of #layers in Visio for Power BI
Judging by the number of downloads of my free Visio and Power BI GuIde, there is an increasing recognition of this great feature. I recently started to prepare an example for someone, but found that their sample Visio document has just over the 1,000 shape limit, so what can you do about that? The answer…
Navigate to named areas in Visio with SS Plus
Many years ago, when I was an architect, I used a Unix CAD system with large buildings. I was able to navigate quickly to rectangular areas that I had named. Well, the Export to PowerPoint feature in Visio Plan 2 provides Slide Snippets, which are named areas that can be exported to PowerPoint. My SS…
Layer Set menu options and calls from code added to LayerManager
LayerManager for Microsoft Visio layer sets can now be called from external code and are also available from a sub-menu of the Layer Buttons drop-down ribbon button. The Layer Manager window does not need to be open to use the sub-menu because it detects the Layer Set buttons on the page. (more…)
Update to LayerManager add-in for non-English users
A French user of LayerManager recently reported that the Refresh Counts button was not working for him, and a few other users were recently finding that the trial period was reporting expired immediately after download. Both of these issues have hopefully been addressed in the latest version 23.3.1, which is available for free to current…
Pushing Data Visualizer in Visio to the limits!
Regular readers of my blog will know that I like to use the Data Visualizer (DV) in Visio Plan 2, but I recently tried to help a user who really decided to push it to the limits. In this scenario, there were multiple connections, but with different labels, being created between the same flowchart shapes,…
Editing Visio Layer Colours with LayerManager
Desktop Visio has a tremendous ability to assign shapes to none, one or more layers, and the efficient use of them can make a drawing so powerful by toggling layers visibility or locking certain layers whilst working on other layers. The same drawing can be used, displayed or printed for many different purposes just by…
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