I wrote a post a few years ago entitled How to Run VBA Macros from a Ribbon Button in Visio 2010, and was recently asked how to add the custom buttons to an existing tab. Well, it got me thinking that I don’t really like having any VBA code in my Visio diagram documents, so I thought I would explain how all the code can be in a macro-enabled stencil so that it can be used with many different diagram documents. It turned out to be a very easy modification….

Simply copy all of the code from the RibboMacros.vsd, from the previous article, into a macro-enabled stencil and make a slight modification to the LoadRibbon() and UnloadRibbon() functions by replacing ThisDocument with Nothing.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Document_DocumentOpened(ByVal Doc As IVDocument)
'Open the custom ui
End Sub
Private Sub Document_BeforeDocumentClose(ByVal Doc As IVDocument)
'Remove the custom UI
End Sub
Public Sub LoadRibbon()
CustomUIStart Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub UnloadRibbon()
CustomUIStop Nothing
End Sub
That’s all there is to it, because now the buttons will appear whenever the stencil is opened, and disappear whenever it is closed.
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