Official Microsoft Visio links
- Twitter : MSVisio
- User Voice : Visio Suggestion Box
- Lots of videos: Microsoft Visio on YouTube
- Dev Center : Microsoft Visio Dev Center
- News and tips: Official Microsoft Visio blog
- The Visio MVPs: Microsoft MVPs for Visio
- Excellent 2 video course : Channel9 – Visio, flyby for developers
Unofficial Microsoft Visio links
- 24 great videos: Getting started with Visio 2010

Books about Visio
- Microsoft: Visio in Microsoft Book Store
- Packt: Visio at Packt Publishing
- Amazon: Visio in Amazon
Commercial online courses
- LinkedIn Learning: Visio in LinkedIn Learning
- Scott Helmers (Visio MVP) on LinkedIn Learning: Scott in LinkedIn Learning
- Pluralsight: Visio in Pluralsight

Selected Microsoft MVP blogs
- David Parker (UK): bVisual blog
- John Goldsmith (UK): John Goldsmith’s visLog
- Chris Roth (Germany/US): VisGuy
- Michel Laplane (France): Le Blog Visio Français
- Senaj Lelic (Germany) : OneAssist KnowHow
- Tech Community: Microsoft Tech Community space for Visio
- Microsoft Answers : Visio topic
- Stackoverflow: Visio in Stackoverflow forum
- VisGuy: VisGuy Forum
Other Visio sites
- John Marshall (Canada): johnvisiomvp
- Nikolay Belykh: Unmanaged Visio blog
- Robert McMillen : TechPublishing