About David Parker
David Parker has 25 years' experience of providing data visualization solutions to companies around the globe. He is a Microsoft MVP and Visio expert.
Published on by David Parker
David Parker has 25 years' experience of providing data visualization solutions to companies around the globe. He is a Microsoft MVP and Visio expert.
The UK-based independent Visio consultancy with a worldwide reach. We have over 25 years experience of providing data visualization solutions to companies around the globe.
Hi, do you have any news/progress concerning Visio 2010 multilanguage handling. We have to have our intranet in italian, french and german and we would like to make use of the Visio services and options. Thank you for answering in advance – d
If you mean the application display of menus and help, then that is handled by applying a multi-language pack from Microsoft.
If you mean the shape text and page names in Visio documents, then my Multi-Language Text for Visio 2010 will help. This does not mean that you can change language without using the add-in in Visio, so, if you are using Visio Services, then you would need to publish once for each language.