pdSelect is free for personal, non-commercial use. If you should like the product, then we invite you to donate just $29 / copy. This will ensure that the product is developed further, and encourage us to provide more tools for you.
Microsoft Visio 2010+ Professional and Premium editions provide PivotDiagrams to enable you to analyze and visualize data from a variety of sources.
However, Microsoft forgot to make it easy to select the PivotDiagram nodes in order to enhance these useful, informative types of diagrams. We have created a Visio add-in that presents you with a variety of selection methods whenever you select a PivotDiagram node.

This greatly increases your ability to work with these types of diagrams, and increases your productivity in addition to making the diagrams even more useful and understandable.
Key Benefits
- Select nodes in Same Group
- Select Nodes in Same Category
- Select Nodes with Same Memebr value
- Select Parent Node
- Select Child Nodes
Version History
Version | Date | Description |
1.0.1 | 20 Jul 2012 | Added Previous button and support for Visio 2013 |
1.0.0 | 11 Jul 2012 | Initial release |