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Linking Data to Visio with SQL Server Stored Procedures

Visio Professional has the ability to link to various data sources, and one of the most popular is SQL Server. The DATA\Link Data to Shapes … function will present a UI to choose from a table or view, but does not provide any stored procedures. Therefore, this article present a VBA macro that demonstrates how a stored procedure can be added as a refreshable data recordset in Visio.

This macro uses the uspGetManagerEmployees procedure from the AdventureWorks sample database ( see ). It expects one integer parameter, and returns a list of employees for a given manager’s business entity id. You will need to enter your own Data Source and Initial Catalog values.

Public Sub AddOrRefreshFromStoredProc() 
On Error GoTo errHandler
Dim dds As Visio.DataRecordset  'The data recordset
Dim ary() As String         'Array to hold the p key columns
Dim SQLConnStr As String    'The connection string
Dim SQLCommStr As String    'The Command string
Dim datasetName As String   'The dataset name
    SQLConnStr = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;" & _
        "Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;" & _
        "Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks2014;" & _
        "Data Source=ARUBA\SQLExpress2014x8;" & _
        "Use Procedure for Prepare=1;"
    SQLCommStr = "EXEC dbo.uspGetManagerEmployees "
Dim busEntity As Variant
    busEntity = InputBox("Which business entity to you want to retrieve for?", SQLCommStr, 2)
    If IsNumeric(busEntity) = False Then
        MsgBox "You must enter an integer", vbCritical, SQLCommStr
        GoTo exitHere
    End If
    SQLCommStr = SQLCommStr & CStr(busEntity)
    ary() = Split("BusinessEntityID", ";")
    datasetName = "uspGetManagerEmployees for " & CStr(busEntity)
    'Check if the recordset exists already 
    For Each dds In Visio.ActiveDocument.DataRecordsets
        If dds.CommandString = SQLCommStr Then
            GoTo exitHere
        End If
    Set dds = Visio.ActiveDocument.DataRecordsets.Add( _
           SQLConnStr, SQLCommStr, _
           VisDataRecordsetAddOptions.visDataRecordsetDelayQuery, _
    dds.SetPrimaryKey VisPrimaryKeySettings.visKeySingle, ary() 
    Visio.ActiveWindow.Windows.ItemFromID( _ 
        visWinIDExternalData).Visible = True
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume exitHere
End Sub

The macro will simply ask for the stored procedure parameter to be entered:

The stored procedure will then be executed an a data recordset will be added to the document.

This recordset can be refreshed in the normal manner, or by re-running the macro with the same parameter.

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