I went to see the latest version of Visio last week at Microsoft Campus in Redmond, but, as usual, chose to stay in Seattle because it is such a great city. I love to walk down to Pike Place market in the morning to ponder over which specialist food to select, or to smell the flowers as they are arranged for the day’s pickings. So, with a piroshky (Russian pastry) and coffee I strolled to the little park at the end to contemplate the day. The view across Puget Sound is fantastic and I wanted to capture it to share with my friends. I only have a handy little digital camera, but fortunately, I recently became aware of a handy little application called Microsoft Image Composite Editor (http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmond/groups/ivm/ICE/ ) . MICE patches your photos together to make a larger panorama, and then you can export it into many different formats.
I have saved four panoramas for viewing using Deep Zoom in Silverlight 2.
I have shared the collection on Live Maps (I think this only works if you are signed in): http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&FORM=LMLTCC&cp=47.577559~-122.091288&style=r&lvl=11&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&phx=0&phy=0&phscl=1&cid=3350D61BC93733A9!1505&encType=1
I have also used the 3D Map Tour feature in Live Maps to create a short movie showing the location of the panorama positions:
Victor Steinbrueck Park
I didn’t know the name of the little park at the end of Pike Place until I looked it up on Live Maps
View the panorama here : http://www.bvisual.net/views/VictorSteinbrueckPark.html
The Moore Hotel
As far as I know, this is the only listed hotel in Seattle.
View the panorama here : http://www.bvisual.net/views/TheMooreHotel.html
Snoqualmie Falls
After visiting two wineries on Saturday, I eventually made it to the waterfall that is 100ft higher than Niagara, and featured in David Lynch’s Twin Peaks.
View the panorama here : http://www.bvisual.net/views/TheFalls.html
Yellow Lake, Sammamish
I visited my friend Richard Smith and his lovely family out in Sammamish and went for a walk around their local lake.
View the panorama here : http://www.bvisual.net/views/YellowLake.html